Saturday, October 29, 2005

Well, I've decided to continue posting on this page even as I work on my 360 page on Yahoo. I really couldn't be any happier right now. Every branch of the Republican Party is taking it in the ass as one by one they are investigated and indicted. YAY!! So yes, this makes me a partisan hack. And no, I do not care. The politicians and advisors who have lied to the American republic about the war, about the economy, and about the environment are getting what they deserved.
Soon good old W. will be announcing a new candidate for the Supreme Court, and if they are too far to the right on matters of social norms and corporation support, they are going to get filibustered. That is the fight that the Democrats are waiting for, and I do not think that the Republicans are going to recieve the public support to survive that fight. Bush has very little influence with the legislative body since his "political capital" has been spent, and almost all of America is pissed at him about Iraq.
I remember the press talking about how Clintons legacy was forever tainted by his sex scandal. The simple fact is that Bush's legacy has been ruined by his own stupidity in his blind hiring of cronies and his stubborness in not listening to those advisors that were more informed. We got the president that we elected, and we've got three more years, folks.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

H.P. Lovecraft.
Who is this man, you ask? Let me enlighten you. Howard Philips Lovecraft was a writer of short stories who was born in 1890 and died in 1937. Many believe that he was the finest writer of horror fiction of the twentieth century, something agreed on by Stephen King and Brian Lumley.

Lovecraft wrote about a group of powerful alien beings who were once in control of the world, and were deposed by some calamity. Over the eons, however, through mental messages they have sent to humanity, members of our race and other races discovered the old ones again and decided to worship them as gods. These cults have over time tried to bring their masters back to destroy humanity and take over the Earth again. This group of stories in known collectively as the Cthulhu Mythos, named after the most powerful alien being trapped on Earth, Cthulhu.

Most of these stories were published in pulp magazines of the 20's and 30's, and were never taken seriously by major literary critics. It wasn't until the people who read those pulps and magazines began to write themselves that Lovecrafts stories became popular and recognized. Now Lovecraft is a celebrated author and has his life picked apart by biographers. His stories are dissected by college students in term papers, and are analyzed by phsychologists.

In short, if you read this blog, and you consider yourself a horror afficiando, check him out immediately. You are missing out on one of the most disturbing and disturbed works of fiction ever.

P.S. Just one warning: Lovecraft nearly choked his works with descriptors and adverbs. Be prepared for some purple prose.
It's only a matter of time before the things I love overwhelm this country and become the dominant forms of pop culture. Anime is already everywhere, and when a cartoon is not Japanese in origin, it has Japanese influences. So just get down on your knees and suck the cock of anime. Haters are just bitches, yo. Paganism and the universal view of religion is growing exponentially, and will eventually be seen as the dominant view of faith. Black metal, metal core, and hard core are now being pimped out in places like K-MART. Not even I could have forseen this, but it onyl further proves my point. Also, rap groups such as Outkast and the Black Eyed Peas are top names in the business. Bow dowm before the B.E.P. and show some respect, hoes. Horror movies are moving beyond the realm of cheap B movies and are becoming a respectable form of entertainment. Every generation from now on will kowtow before the works of Stephen King and Anne Rice. Yes, through this filter, the whole world will see everything the way I do, even "the master of all". So suck my half angel dick, bastards.