Saturday, November 07, 2009

Teabag Support From the Mega-Rich

There is a lot of talk about how the tea party protests are a populist movement, something totally grassroots with all support coming from the pockets of middle America. However, its interesting to note how much support actually comes from the rich. By way of example, just yesterday at the tea party protest in the Capitol the 40 buses used to bring in protesters were paid for by David and Charles Koch, the 9th and 8th richest men on Forbes 500 list. They also paid for signs, doughnuts, and more to help the vitriolic crowd express themselves.
This isn't the first time that the rich have provided support for this phenomena, and I will make a safe bet in saying that it won't be the last time either. Using the dissafected and frightened to push for you agenda seems to be a really innovative way to lobby Congress.

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