Monday, January 04, 2010


Neo-conservative columnist William Kristol recently remarked on Fox News that closing our embassies in Yemen was a sign of weakness, and a capitulation to al-Queda. Apparently closing the embassies to protect foreign diplomats is some form of kowtowing to extremists. I sincerely wish that the U.S. government had not given in to the demands of our own extremists like William Kristol and pursued a war with a nation that had done nothing to us. We are allowing our government to have more and more power to delve into our privacy in the hopes of finding that nebulous "other", or to find the ticking time-bomb scenario so popular in "24". We have wound up with a more radicalized nation in Iraq, an unwinable war in Afganistan, and an increased perception of America as an occupying power in the Middle East. Increasingly, we are seen as an empire determined to exercise our will through any means neccessary.
And in a large part, our leaders in Washington have re-inforced this image time and again. Why? Because some men in Washington saw the need for another draining conflict after the Cold War that they could use as an excuse to increase their power and influence over American policy, both foreign and national. And out in the Middle East, there is a nutbag laughing his ass off that America is fighting him in such a way as to increase his own power. There might not be any winner in this conflict, but I know the loser will be the American people.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Teabag Support From the Mega-Rich

There is a lot of talk about how the tea party protests are a populist movement, something totally grassroots with all support coming from the pockets of middle America. However, its interesting to note how much support actually comes from the rich. By way of example, just yesterday at the tea party protest in the Capitol the 40 buses used to bring in protesters were paid for by David and Charles Koch, the 9th and 8th richest men on Forbes 500 list. They also paid for signs, doughnuts, and more to help the vitriolic crowd express themselves.
This isn't the first time that the rich have provided support for this phenomena, and I will make a safe bet in saying that it won't be the last time either. Using the dissafected and frightened to push for you agenda seems to be a really innovative way to lobby Congress.

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Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Okay. Yeah. It's been over two years since I've been on here and that's just pathetic. BUT. Here I am now. I am now a married man. I am now the proud father of a little girl that was born on Christmas Day. Her name is Alessa Marie Norris and she looks like me. Shower her with your pity. It's been interesting becoming a father. Normally I would be a raging seething mass of hate as I peered at the world from my beady eyes, but all of that abates when I look at her. I am developing the bad taste to even find her crying to be in some way adorable. I mean, what the hell? Normally the sound of a crying baby would piss me off, but this isn't an issue of being consistent, really. It's MY baby crying, it's MY baby that needs her diaper changed, and it's MY baby that needs mommies boobs RIGHT NOW. It's all just wonderfull. The best is when she looks at me with those blue eyes. How I know she is starting to fixate my existence in her mind, a concrete reality around which her world will revolve. A potent mix of fear and wonder is the birth of a fathers daughter. Her mother has proven to be amazing, and seems very much to be capable of handling the challenge. It's amazing how much more in love with someone you can be after the birth of a squealing, cooing infant. It can improve their character, or at least in the case of my wife make all of their positive elements shine through more brightly.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Holy shit! Where the hell have I been all of this time? I left my job, went to Pizza Hut, stopped seeing my signifigant other when I realized she wasn't going to leave her husband, and hooked up with a girl I know from high school about five months later. Damn, life comes at you fast, huh? Nothing to see here folks, just riding my own personal vortex. Be back with something substantive later!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Today is the second day of my Basic Management Course. Yep, that's right, I'm finally in York. I'm sitting here after class being bored as I wait for my manager and girlfriend to show up for us to go out and have dinner. They better get here soon because I am getting hungry. And of course I miss my woman. I came out to my team members today, mainly just so that I could make the republican on my team uncomfortable. It's pretty interesting, the things that they teach you in this class. A good deal of this information is new to me, and I will be able to put it to good use right away. Some of it is unapplicable, however. The idea that all sexual jokes and banter cannot be allowed in the store would never work at my store. We are really perverted, but we all know that it's just in the name of fun. It's not like we're making out in front of the customers or sodomizing each other at the drive thru window.

I haven't really done anything interesting yet. I haven't even gotten to a bar or to a gay club, although I really want to. Perhaps I'll be able to go tonight. We'll see.

Basically the only thing I have to commend my hotel for is the fact that it has HBO. I got to see the drama ROME for the first time, and although it's graphic and it's about a time long gone, its still engaging and interesting. The concerns of humanity never really change, do they?

Blake and Dereck, I will be posting my views on religion soon enough. Check back here after I return to the store for that post. By the way, in my post on Derecks site, I said that paganism and UNIVERSALISM is becoming the dominant view of religion, so I will explain that as well. It's very important, so don't forget that.

Well, till next time.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Well, I've decided to continue posting on this page even as I work on my 360 page on Yahoo. I really couldn't be any happier right now. Every branch of the Republican Party is taking it in the ass as one by one they are investigated and indicted. YAY!! So yes, this makes me a partisan hack. And no, I do not care. The politicians and advisors who have lied to the American republic about the war, about the economy, and about the environment are getting what they deserved.
Soon good old W. will be announcing a new candidate for the Supreme Court, and if they are too far to the right on matters of social norms and corporation support, they are going to get filibustered. That is the fight that the Democrats are waiting for, and I do not think that the Republicans are going to recieve the public support to survive that fight. Bush has very little influence with the legislative body since his "political capital" has been spent, and almost all of America is pissed at him about Iraq.
I remember the press talking about how Clintons legacy was forever tainted by his sex scandal. The simple fact is that Bush's legacy has been ruined by his own stupidity in his blind hiring of cronies and his stubborness in not listening to those advisors that were more informed. We got the president that we elected, and we've got three more years, folks.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

H.P. Lovecraft.
Who is this man, you ask? Let me enlighten you. Howard Philips Lovecraft was a writer of short stories who was born in 1890 and died in 1937. Many believe that he was the finest writer of horror fiction of the twentieth century, something agreed on by Stephen King and Brian Lumley.

Lovecraft wrote about a group of powerful alien beings who were once in control of the world, and were deposed by some calamity. Over the eons, however, through mental messages they have sent to humanity, members of our race and other races discovered the old ones again and decided to worship them as gods. These cults have over time tried to bring their masters back to destroy humanity and take over the Earth again. This group of stories in known collectively as the Cthulhu Mythos, named after the most powerful alien being trapped on Earth, Cthulhu.

Most of these stories were published in pulp magazines of the 20's and 30's, and were never taken seriously by major literary critics. It wasn't until the people who read those pulps and magazines began to write themselves that Lovecrafts stories became popular and recognized. Now Lovecraft is a celebrated author and has his life picked apart by biographers. His stories are dissected by college students in term papers, and are analyzed by phsychologists.

In short, if you read this blog, and you consider yourself a horror afficiando, check him out immediately. You are missing out on one of the most disturbing and disturbed works of fiction ever.

P.S. Just one warning: Lovecraft nearly choked his works with descriptors and adverbs. Be prepared for some purple prose.
It's only a matter of time before the things I love overwhelm this country and become the dominant forms of pop culture. Anime is already everywhere, and when a cartoon is not Japanese in origin, it has Japanese influences. So just get down on your knees and suck the cock of anime. Haters are just bitches, yo. Paganism and the universal view of religion is growing exponentially, and will eventually be seen as the dominant view of faith. Black metal, metal core, and hard core are now being pimped out in places like K-MART. Not even I could have forseen this, but it onyl further proves my point. Also, rap groups such as Outkast and the Black Eyed Peas are top names in the business. Bow dowm before the B.E.P. and show some respect, hoes. Horror movies are moving beyond the realm of cheap B movies and are becoming a respectable form of entertainment. Every generation from now on will kowtow before the works of Stephen King and Anne Rice. Yes, through this filter, the whole world will see everything the way I do, even "the master of all". So suck my half angel dick, bastards.